Sunday, May 31, 2009

244 Sunday Series #3 and SOOC Saturday/Sunday

This little piggy went to market.
This little piggy stayed home.
This little piggy had roast beef.
This little piggy had none.
And this little piggy went WEE WEE WEE all the way home!

The Memphis Zoo has a section called "Once Upon a Farm" and this is the weathervane atop one of the buildings. I just loved the idea of that little piggy flying free. So, for this Sunday Series I wanted to play with one of the shots. The first is just cleaned up a little. The second, I just slid the hue bar a little to the right. The third, I hit the EQUALIZE filter in Elements - and then played with the hue. Then I used a texture, and the bad thing is, I can't even remember where I got it!!! I don't even remember downloading textures ... maybe I got a texture virus. Ya think? And then, of course I had to give my little piggy some wings :)

I am still having fun playing around with my photos. If you take the time to experiment, let me know!

It is Sunday, so sit back, prop up your own little piggies and take a little rest. One way to do that is to participate in SOOC Saturday (or Sunday) over with Melody at Slurping Life! She has had a very busy week. Her son Wil competed in the Special Olympics in two swimming events! How awesome is that!!???!!! I know he did great, but there has not been an update yet. Also, no SOOC post up, but please hop on over there anyway!