I was watching "Jon & Kate Plus 8" today, and I realized something. I am SO not embarrassing Katie. And if she ever thinks I am, I will make her watch an episode. Then she will thank her lucky stars that she is not Maddie or Cara. Those poor girls are going to be mortified in a few years. They have meltdowns all the time. They will look back at those episodes and wonder why their parents were so mean. They will probably get the same answer that Katie will ... it was for your own good.
On another note, I was rolling through some old shots last night while IM'ing with my buddy Candy. I was pulling out some older pics to show her, and just browsing through them all. It really made me realize that I might actually have a little talent in the photography field. It also has helped that some pseudo-strangers have complimented some recent pics. Having people, whose photos I admire, compliment some of my own pictures ... WOW! Thank you so much! I needed a confidence boost. I have had an offer, kinda-sorta, to start working with weddings. I am seriously considering it. I love taking pictures. And what girl does not love weddings?? I just want to make sure I enjoy it before I make that commitment. I do not want to flake out on this. I have asked if I can tag along on a wedding to test it out. We will see where this takes me. I have been trying to gather some of my favorite shots into a portfolio of sorts ... of course they are mainly of Katie and Connor. I have a "photocation" (thanks for the new word Candy) this Saturday with Candy. We are going to head out to Elmwood Cemetary and maybe do some shooting downtown. I am so excited to have a buddy that is interested in the same thing! I will, of course, let everyone know how all of this pans out. And if anyone (nearby) wants me to try to take some pics of their families, just let me know. Catch me quick, who knows when I might be a big deal and charge an arm and a leg ;) Or have my "portfolio" firmly started. Until then, watch out! You know I always show up with a camera!
Lost cause
10 months ago
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