This year is just over a week old and I am already behind. I have not even made Resolutions and I have already broken them. Wait, does that put me ahead??!! I don't even know anymore. I am especially in trouble if those resolutions involved not procrastinating and having more patience. Maybe I shouldn't even bother. But, you know I will because I just love to bore you to death ... or give you a good laugh.
So, I did write some down yesterday during my five minutes of peace. So, here they are, in no particular order
My 2009 Resolutions
1. Take at least one picture a day - then post a weeks worth together.
-- yes, I know, already behind on that one. Although I did try to narrow down my pics to one a day and found it to be impossible, so harking back to high school I will be doing Two-A-Days! Now I just have to decide whether to do it here, or make another blog. I will do it here for now.
2. I will start my own photography business! Tick Tock Photography will become a reality, just a matter of time - yeah, bad pun -- if I keep saying it then I have to do it
3. Complete Connor's room BEFORE he moves to a toddler bed. Mainly I just need to make curtains and frame some old maps and such.
4. Clean out our closets. Get rid of stuff we can't use. Donate it is I have to!!
5. Get the attic organized. Get some shelves put up, put holiday stuff together, and get rid of anything that is USELESS!!
6. Make time for myself. All by myself. No kids, without feeling guilty.
7. Take more PHOTOCATIONS! You hear that Candy??!!
8. SPEAK UP!!! Don't keep everything to myself. Stop bottling up any feelings, fears, and thoughts.
9. Finally list something in my etsy shop!! And eBay all the books and Chip's old toys we have laying around!!
10. Finish all the home improvement projects that we have already bought supplies for!!
11. Get Katie back on track with her school work. Work more with her at home. More spelling, reading, adding, and subtracting. She is too smart to be doing poorly in school.
12. Keep up with the laundry and dishes!
... oh, and lose 30 pounds, be more patient, and stop procrastinating!
There, surely I can accomplish at least one of those things!
Lost cause
10 months ago
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