Sunday, June 7, 2009

249 Sunday Series #3 - Easy Bake Oven

As usual, this is going up on "Carrie Time". I tend to get caught up in doing something and all the sudden it is the middle of Sunday and I have not put my Sunday Series up yet. Not that it really matters since I am the only one doing it, but one day ... one day someone else may join in! HEY! It could totally happen.

Katie recently turned 7, and we went down to visit the in-laws to help them get their computer set up. While we were there, we had a second birthday cake and Katie got some more money to add to her stash. Of course that was burning a hole in her pocket, so we hit up Toys'R'Us on Saturday. Originally we had planned on doing Build-A-Bear, too but she spent all her money in Toys'R'Us (and by all I mean ALL ... she went in with $101. She spent $100.40 ... and then she got a sticker from the vending machine for 50 cents ) She did pretty good though. She did not buy any make-up. Most of what she bought was not even junk.

She wanted to buy a sewing machine ... strike that - a TOY sewing machine. I already have two machines, so I finally convinced her that she should get something else. I told her that I would have to help her when she sewed on the toy one just like on the real one, so she should save her money. She is getting older because she ACTUALLY LISTENED to me! She has been looking at the DS storage box for awhile, and she got a few more (unneeded) DS accessories. She bought Barbie in Mariposa, which is the only Barbie movie that we did not own. Hannah Montana Bubble Bath and a Hannah dog tag necklace. And, in place of the sewing machine ... AN EASY BAKE OVEN! She has wanted one forever, so I was glad she chose to spend HER money on it.

Katie wants to form her own "Cooking Club" now. Guess we can break out the sewing machine and make her an apron. That should be stress free :)


Kathleen said...

I say video the Easy Bake Oven segments and she could get her own tv cookies series!!