Friday, August 20, 2010

381 Oh, Hello Again

With Katie in school Connor and I have been spending A LOT of time together. We are working on potty training (be happy, the potty is one place that is (usually) off limits). It has been touch and go. We have bribed and cajoled, but nothing seems to be working. For each step forward he takes two back. He poos in the potty ... then pees his pants. Pee earns him a refill for his Pez dispenser, and a poo gets him a BIG prize. He has earned two ... in about two weeks. SIGH! You would think the parade we throw in his honor after each poo would be enough, but nooooo, he has to get a toy. I look forward to the day when I don't automatically call the grandparents when he makes a deposit. How will we explain to him that every bathroom visit for the rest of his life will not involve cash & prizes? It was hard enough to convince him that he doesn't get a prize for pooTing on the potty. Other than that our time has been spent playing... Daddy took him for another haircut!We hung out in the hot tub... We have read a LOT of stories. His new favorite is a Raggedy Ann & Andy story about a baseball game.And he has rediscovered his train tracks. Aunt Ronka and Uncle Vince got him this track, and Daddy bought him a remote control train that fits on the tracks. It has been a huge hit! (And my floor hasn't been that clear in a week!)

We also went to a birthday party for Katie's friend Mary. Technically she isn't turning ten until December, but they wanted to do a pool party. We had a blast. Katie was there by herself for awhile because Connor was napping, but when he woke up we all went down and jumped in the pool. I also finally met Mary's parents, and we hit it off right away. Gotta love people with a sense if humor.

Alright, you are all caught up now. Hopefully it won't take so long next time.


Anonymous said...

When he's 4.5 and poops in his underwear regularly at Pre K, come talk to me.
