Last weekend Katie participated in an ornament exchange with her two best friends, Kaitlyn and Mia. Kaitlyn's mom came up with the idea to have the exchange, and she is the one that hosted it.
As usual we put off buying our ornaments to the last moment, and when we headed to Hallmark at noon last Sunday we were in for a rude awakening ... Hallmark does not open until 1. Luckily there is a Marshall's just next door and they had really cute and UNIQUE ornaments. I will never complain about shopping in Marshall's. I love that store! It satisifies my need to save money and get great bargains, and it always feels like you are on a treasure hunt.
But I digress ... we found the perfect ornaments for her swap (and a couple for her teacher and one for Katie). We had to rush back because we were already a little late for the start of the party. I am so glad I decided to walk in with Katie because I was able to snap a couple pics. Who could resist taking pics of these beautiful best friends?!They had stuff laid out for the girls to make their own bags of trail mix, though I think the majority of the mix was Jelly Belly jellybeans.
And of course the main event ... the ornament exchange. Katie got really cute ornaments, and /i think the other girls liked their ornaments, too. Katie got Mia a penguin glass ornament and Kaitlyn a high heel shoe ornament. Katie had already given Kaitlyn one of my handmade owls, and Mia got one of her own as well.
This is Katie's ornament choice ... the other ornaments were this same type/style.
Tuesday night we finally brought the tree out of the attic and began to decorate it. The kids lost interest rather quickly, and they spent the rest of the night trying to get on the Naughty List. I did love Connor's choice of the first ornament to hang. That Santa has been a part of my Christmas for as long as I can remember. And yes, Connor is wearing his Halloween costume. Ironman gets into the Christmas spirit, too.
Katie went for a more recently acquired ornament.
Wednesday afternoon I got a sudden urge to craft. (Oh, and I had my follow up appointment with the doctor about my meningitis and encephalitis on Wednesday. Doc gave me the all clear. It will still be awhile before I am running at 100%, but I am on my way) I did not have the sudden urge to go too far out of my way to craft (and I didn't want it to cost a cent - you know, other than all the stuff I have already bought). To be fair, that is rather easy since my dining table looks like a craft room gave birth to triplets on it. I gathered up a few supplies I had just lying around. A couple plastic ornaments and a stack of chipboard coasters that have been lying around forever that were begging to be Mod Podged fit the bill exactly. A couple old books that I didn't mind mutilating and my box of random buttons and I was ready to play. It may not be high art, but I had fun ... and when Katie and Kaitlyn joined in they had fun, too.
Of course Katie hid from the camera (she is the blue blur in the background) so you would never know she was having a blast.
Katie made the next two ornaments.
Connor made this next one all on his own.
Those plastic ball ornaments were hard to cover, but I love the result. Just Mod Podge and some book pages torn into wee pieces. Thank goodness the pieces are tiny ... I would hate for someone to try to read it. Yes, I used an old Lavyrle Spencer book ...
And I couldn't resist the urge to use a bunch of buttons to cover another ornament (we used E6000 for the buttons)
Okay ... so I might have a slight button addiction.
So ... that was a little picture heavy, but it was full of Christmas goodness. Hope everyone's holidays are shaping p to be wonderful!
Lost cause
10 months ago
Fun post! I love the button Xmas tree!
Marshall's is so much fun to shop. I have to go their either medicated or with the right frame-of-mind, 'cos the stores tend to be a mess.
And awesome, awesome news on the All-Clear! =)
P.S. I love Katie's striped shirt! I think the colors are going to be my inspiration for a granny square blanket I want to crochet. =)
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