I have been on a blog low lately. I just can't seem to get myself to the computer with enough time to say anything. I hadn't even looked for a pic for Love Thursday in weeks. I didn't even pull out a SOOC Saturday! How can I be too lazy to NOT edit a picture?? Well, I am feeling it again. I am feeling the need to take pictures, and to look for love. I snuck out onto the track behind my house on Friday after lunch with Katie. The fresh air must have done me a little bit of good, so I headed back out on Saturday. While I was stretching I looked at the track right in front of me, and the heart shapes were jumping out at me. I had my phone there for the tunes, but I clicked a pic off. I will share it on Thursday of course :) But, it is not Thursday yet, so I decided to give Macro Monday a shot. And not only because I had whipped out the macro yesterday. When we ran into Schnuck's we noticed that their long stem roses were a dollar each, and they had several varieties. I am a sucker for a certain little 7 year old, especially when she is asking for something so beautiful. Sure, it isn't even something truly for her ... even better! I was snapping a few shots of them when I got pulled into the whirl of their center. I was so drawn to the center of this rose. Maybe you can see why ... maybe not.
Check out the other Macro Mondays at Lisa's Chaos, she has some amazing pics of a caterpillar up right now!
Monday, October 26, 2009
309 Macro Monday
Posted by cjaxon at 12:03 AM 4 comments
Labels: macro, Macro Monday, photo meme, rose
Sunday, October 25, 2009
308 Shadow Oaks Fall Festival
On Friday the 16th, Shadow Oaks Elementary held their yearly Fall Festival. Katie was excited that her Mimi and PopPop would be in town to go with us (especially since PopPop took her to her first Fall Festival when I was still recovering from Connor being born). She almost ruined it by throwing a fit before we even loaded up the van. I told her that we would buy a certain amount of tickets and when those were gone then we would be done ... and she flipped. Turns out she had nothing to worry about. We bought $20 worth of tickets and toward the end she was sharing them with a buddy and we still barely finished them all.
One of our first stops was to Mrs. Hite's room. This was Katie's First Grade teacher, and she absolutely loves her!! The object of this game was simple, you flipped over one leaf and there would be a number 1, 2, or 3. Katie flipped over a three! She was so excited because she won a pencil (she has a thing for pencils, you wouldn't understand). The funniest thing though, Kaitlyn and her family were walking around with us. Kaitlyn reached over and flipped the very same leaf ... she knew it was a winner. Sneaky little thing :)

Posted by cjaxon at 11:35 PM 0 comments
Labels: fall festival, SOES, the kiddos
Thursday, October 22, 2009
307 - Grovin'
It has been a while, but I wanted to put up the pics from our Saturday in the Grove. Every football season we try to get as many of the old crew together, mostly people that were either in Phi Psi or that hung out at the house with us. It is also the perfect excuse to get together with my best girls. (even if Katie asked me if Andrea was still in college because she looks so young)And our kids get to play together while we talk about the day when they will be students at Ole Miss. They are young and we can decide their futures for now.
Luckily the Crawford's are ALWAYS prepared. This time they brought this ladder game which was a huge hit. And considering that we picked the Ole Miss/Alabama to attend there was a lot of time to kill since individual tickets were hard to find.
And what trip would be complete without a trip to The Union to visit the bookstore. This pic was taken this year ...
This picture was taken in 2007. Where did our wee munchkins go??
Toward the end, the kids were getting restless so I let them take turns taking pictures. I think Riley took this one for us.
And Molly took this pic.
Even Chloe got in on the fun. Chloe loved to take pics!!
Another Riley shot
The kids went back and forth from the tree where they could climb, to the chairs where they could draw. They got along surprisingly well. It is a good thing they were happy drawing because the Grove was a huge mudpie.
We can't wait to see everyone again. We will make a trip down NOLA way soon!!
Posted by cjaxon at 12:08 AM 1 comments
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
306 Swine Flu Prevention Email
Posted by cjaxon at 4:45 PM 5 comments
305 Two Years and Counting
Two years ago Connor made his appearance. He was in such a hurry to get here that he came almost six weeks early. Weighing in at 4 pounds 14 ounces ... most of which was LUNGS! Good thing, that meant he never had to be placed on oxygen. His big problem was maintaining body temperature, but eventually we got that under control and he came home!By his first birthday Connor had more than made up for his low birth weight. He had barely busted through a tooth to be able to eat his cake, but he was walking a little bit.
Now, two years later. Connor is a Master of Destruction. He can look at a room and automatically figure out what he can destroy. On the otherhand, he likes to clean. He will make a point of throwing away every piece of paper he finds, and he throws a fit if I don't let him throw away his own diaper. Speaking of diapers ... he isn't completely potty trained by any stretch of the imagination, but he has used the potty numerous times. He has even managed to pee standing up. You can tell he gets the concept, and he will try to make himself potty when you take him, not that it always works. He isn't a great talker but he understands SO much! Mostly, Connor smiles. He smiles and smiles and smiles ... until I break out the camera (he is like his sister that way)
Katie spent his birthday morning at her friend Mia's house, and they asked Mia's mom if they could make Connor a cake. They have a gluten free house, so Connor has now experienced his first gluten free cake. Tenbye got a little distracted and accidentally used too much water, so it turned out a little flat. She did have three little girls and two little boys running around, so I think she had an excuse :) Connor didn't mind. It was covered in icing and made by three little girls that he adores. They were all a bit tired when we finally sang Happy Birthday ...
Connor, if you ever wonder what you were like as a one year old, here is a breakdown.
You are a funny little man. Everyone points out how smiley and happy you always are. You adore your sister, which leads to you annoying her most days, but she loves you back and that makes up for it. You remind me of the Sour Patch Kids commercials, first you are sour then you are sweet. You will smack someone and then love them up. You draw on walls, something that Katie never really did. You draw on yourself (right now your right foot is blue). Mosquitoes LOVE you, and moments after being outside you will sport a few new bites, which turn into huge welts (you have three around your left eye right now, luckily those happened after pictures). If you see me check Katie's sugar then I have to fake check yours, too. Katie introduced you to Exfoliating Foot Scrub, and now everytime you take a bath you hold your feet up until I scrub them. Then you giggle like a maniac, and I am afraid you will drown yourself because it tickles so badly. No is your favorite word, and you will scream it back at us when we say it to you. I know this should anger me, but it is too cute right now. I will punish you for it in a few years though, just a warning. You love putting on other people's shoes, and since most of the shoes sitting around the house are Katie's that means you sometimes end up in heels. You could swing for hours. When I make your milk for bed (strawberry, of course) you will give Sweet Kisses to Katie and Daddy. Then before we head upstairs you will grab something to take with you. It could be anything, last night it was a little plastic panda. Most nights you are serenaded to sleep by our own version of "Hush Little Baby" which involves a titanium ring instead of diamonds, "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star" and "Devil Went Down to Georgia". It is a very good thing that you don't mind me being off key. Mostly, you are the sweetest boy I could ever imagine. You brighten every day, even when you drive me nuts. You are the perfect addition to our family, and we love you so much. Happy Birthday Dinky! (yeah, Dad doesn't like me calling you Dinky either - too bad)
Posted by cjaxon at 10:21 AM 4 comments
Labels: Connor, happy birthday
Sunday, October 11, 2009
304 Four Score and ... Last Weekend

I am too tired to babble on tonight. We had another fun filled weeked!! More on that later.
Posted by cjaxon at 11:54 PM 0 comments