In our family we do not make that distinction. My Mom was both to me for, if not my whole life, as long as I can remember. She did all the things a father is supposed to do. She gave me unconditional and endless love. She kept a roof over my head, and spoiled me much more than she should have. I may not have thought so at the time, but looking back she outdid herself. As a selfish child I did not think twice about all the sacrifices she made for me and my brothers, but now I SEE! You know why I did not think it was anything special? She did it without complaint (for the most part) Everything she did seemed effortless at the time. Now I see how hard she had to work to make it appear that way. That is all it was, the appearance of ease. She bent over backwards and worked so hard to provide for us. If I had only known at the time I would have been a much better child. I would have said THANK YOU! And I would have told her I LOVE YOU! more often. I am trying to make up for all the missed opportunities now. Mom, I love you! Thank you for being my Ma-Pa!
Besides, no "father" would let you do this!!
Lost cause
10 months ago
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