Monday, January 3, 2011

420 Happy New(ish) Year

So, this is 2011 .... pretty decent so far, but it has only been three days. Talk to me in a month or so, and I might have a different story. I know, I have become a pessimist. I do mean to change that, but it is hard when the world keeps proving me right.
I almost missed the change over. Katie spent the night down the street, and I fell asleep getting Connor down. Apparently our tea party wore me out more than I expected.  I woke up about 15 minutes before 2011. It was the most laid back of New Year Eves. Not to mention that I ran out of most of my coffee musts ... including actual coffee. Not the way to start the new year. Luckily I had enough for one more cup to hold me over until I hit the store.  I did manage to watch the Memphis Guitar Drop ... which occurred a few minutes early (while the commentators were talking about the importance of timing it JUST RIGHT)... surprise. At least I started 2011 laughing ... well played Memphis.
1/1/11 started off way too early. Chip promised Katie that we would take her to the mall and Toys'R'Us to spend her Christmas money, and since he had to work that night we had to get out of the house pretty early. 9AM! When do we all get going at 9AM?! Never ... We managed to roll out around 10.
After walking around Toys'R'Us for over an hour all we bought was two pieces of candy. Its not that Katie did not see anything she wanted, it is just that she did not see anything she wanted to spend HER money on. She kept saying "you can get me this for my birthday!" (in 5 months!) I kept trying to explain to her that if it is something she wants then she should be willing to part with her money. If she doesn't want to spend her money then she doesn't want it that bad. I certainly don't want to buy it. Working on teaching her about the value of money ... it isn't going well. Oh, we did spend money on one more thing at Toys'R'Us...

A little lunch at Joe's Crab Shack before we headed to the mall. Connor was excited until we told him it was too wet to play on the playground. Then he crumpled to the concrete in a bawling lump. Katie got her crab legs, so she was perfectly happy. That girl has expensive taste and ragamuffin style.

And surprise SURPRISE ... the only real stop we made was to Build-A-Bear Workshop. We had $10 in reward bucks, so we HAD to go, right?! They have these really cute new animals. The Darling Doggies are available in blue, pink, and purple, and right now you can get 2 for $35 (there were several groups in BABW that were buying two, sisters and friends). Katie asked Chip which one he thought she would choose, and he picked up a blue one. She named her Dream. Connor wasn't into Darling Doggies, so he got the Midnight Teddy ... we didn't even think about the fact we bought a black bear and Ole Miss changed its mascot to the Black Bears. Connor, with much help from ad, named him Ursa. Katie's abhorrance to spending her money trickled over into her BABW purchase, she didn't add sound, a special heart, or any clothing. Connor is more impulsive. He got Ursa a baseball set and a red sports car. The car was $30 but I still think it is a better purchase than a pillow pet. (and no, I am not getting paid to sing BABW's praises, just like to let people know just where to find something if they like it) Really, the main thing you are paying for at BABW is the fun of choosing and stuffing your own fluffy friend. The kids had a blast.


And what is a trip to the mall without the kids whining to ride the carousel. Someone, I won't name names, had to use the restroom, so we had some time to kill.

We walked around a bit longer, but we needed to head back so Chip could go to work ... and I was all malled out. Did I mention the mall was insane with New Year Sale shoppers? It was definitely worse than when I went three days before Christmas.
I have heard that you will spend the rest of the year how you spend the first day, and I am crossing my fingers and making a wish that it refers to us being together as a family and NOT to shopping.

Hope everyones New Year was fabulous, and that this year will be good to us all! Happy New Year!