Thursday, June 12, 2014

485 Run in the Sun 5K

On Saturday June 7, 2014 I headed down to Oxford to run my third 5K with my running buddy, Joe. Katie made the trip with me even though it meant an early wake up call. Thankfully Chip was willing to stay home with Connor since he had to work the night before.

As usual we didn't leave by the time I wanted, and so the first race of the day was just getting to Oxford in time to pick up my packet. We made it, but only with a little time to spare thanks to the mess that is the exit from 55 to 6 in Batesville. It definitely got my blood pumping though.

We got our bibs pinned on and our chips strapped, and we headed to the starting area. I was already thankful for my purchase of Body Glide. It wasn't exactly hot, but it sure was steamy.

Joe was smart enough to make us start toward the back so we didn't get run over when they let us go. That first quarter mile was fabulous! Slight decline, cooler temps... If only the whole race had been just like that.

But it wasn't.

It was hilly. Lots of ups, and even one downhill that was so steep that we opted to protect our shins and walk it. I wish I could say I ran the whole thing, but that would be an absolute lie. I *did* try to make it up as far as I could on each hill before walking... It was glaringly obvious that I don't have hills that I normally run. They were killing me.

But I did it. I sprinted (slowly) over the finish line and was done.... 42:27. It was horrible. No, not horrible. It was an eye opener for sure though.


Clearly the course wasn't just a tough one for me. Which makes me feel a bit better... But I still want to run it again and show it who is the boss! Or at least middle management.

BUT SERIOUSLY! A MEDAL! SQUEEEEE! I have to make a display to hang it (and future ones) on!

My sweet friend Julie has been so kind to loan me her husband! I couldn't have done it without Joe running with me. He could have left me way behind, but he never did. He stayed right there beside me. Pushing me when he knew I needed it. And not making me feel like a failure when I had to walk. He has been there for all three of my races, and I don't know how a race without him will go... I've been spoiled. Thanks, Joe! I really really want to get faster.... I need more medals!!